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Spinner's End



"Harry Potter and the Half Blood" Prince by J.K.Rowling
"Spinner's End", chapter 2, pg22, american edition

Image size
600x400px 109.87 KB
© 2012 - 2024 deeterhi
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LizAdeniji's avatar
I love how you manage so much detail with such a simplistic presentation of a moment. The faded out background... the location being important, but also not mattering in comparison to the moment's importance to the characters... the subtle indication that a perhaps once nice house (chandelier) is now rather shabby (tape on the back of the chair)... the background being much larger than the actual focus of the image... Snape being closer to the edge and thereby closer to the audience, since we're meant to sympathize with him even though maybe we didn't know it year when we first read it... I could be wrong about all of these things, but I saw this image in a tiny thumbnail in an image search and it really stood out for all of these reasons. Good work!

I also really like your impression of what Narcissa looks like. It's quite different from what I've seen in the past from other artist.